Tag Archive: Goals

So this morning is was lashing down, there was very little wind but it was absolutely bucketing.  So I cancelled my run knowing that this afternoon it was forecast to be dry.  This afternoon arrived and whilst dry there where 15mph cross winds.  Now I hate the wind especially cycling but if I wanted to train today it had to be this afternoon I no longer had a choice.

It was a great wee run which I enjoyed and I’m thankful and a little proud that I pushed myself out the door.  Another point of motivation was the fact that I recently bought a Garmin for tracking my speed, cadence, heart etc.  My mates have been using them and I’ve been impressed by how detailed it lets you get in over viewing your training.  There however presents a new dilemma, which website will I use to record all the stuff.  My two favourites are RunKeeper & Strava but which one will I stick with… who knows???

Changing the subject a little I bought new brake pads this morning.  I decided as a hefty bloke I could use all the stopping power I can get my hands on and so I bought Swissstops.  I’ll review them soon and let you know how I get on with them…

*It would appear that WordPress doesn’t support iFrame links other wise I’d publish my recent rides through Strava etc… Time to change blog provider?? Surely not again… 😦

For the past 6 to 12 months I’ve not been cycling or exercising as I should.  I’ve literally gone from one injury to another whilst the weight has been piling back on.  The irony being that I’m sure the injuries are the bi-product of being very overweight for years and yet to lose the weight I need to exercise with which being injured makes it a struggle.

Cycling is my first love and my previous blog was full of the journey I made from just playing about on a mountain bike and doing infrequent and small mileage to buying a road bike and doing 50 – 70 miles a week.  Alas but my weight yo-yo’d throughout that period and has continued to this very day.

I’m back to 20 stone and I’m keen to get down to 14 or so.  I have a number of close friends who similarly enjoy their cycling and the last few weeks have seen me going back out with them.  Nothing serious but enough to rewet the appetite.  I’ve also been watching “The Biggest Loser” on channel Pick.  It’s the American series but to be fair I find their version FAR superior to the British one.  They provide a great source of inspiration and this has also served to rewet my appetite for getting back in shape.

So without further to do I’m announcing that I’m back in the land of blog to record the next phase of the weight loss/cycling journey.  Complimenting this will hopefully be other points of interest like dogs, hill walking and fishing. We’ll see…

Who’s up for journeying with me?

Any new goals folks?

I took my bike out for a quick 15 miles this morning.  The weather was bright, dry and without wind, so ok it was 4 degrees but it was as close to perfect as you are likely to get given the time of year.  The first mile was slow and as I climbed the hill out of my village I was struggling.  Why so slow & why is this so hard?  I hit the top of the hill and unusually stopped to catch my breath.  I hadn’t trained in 5 days so it wasn’t fatigue that was affecting me.

Three miles later and I felt like my muscles were still cold and my lungs reluctant.  Surely this was going to get easier soon I thought. Over the next hill and a few miles further down the road there was still no sign of the new legs I was hoping for.  It hit me that over the past week I hadn’t been sleeping well and with work, stress levels were unusually high.  To a certain extent stress levels are always reasonable high but this past week has been tough.  Were these two factors having a bigger effect than I had budgeted for?

I hit mile 10 and I was starting to get cross with myself!  What on earth is going on I demanded to know, I have been training for the past 5 weeks and this should be a heck of a lot easier.  Then it struck me for the past week my diet has been so poor its been close to a dung fly’s.  With stress come anxiety and with anxiety comes comfort eating.  If I’m honest the last week has been nothing short of a disgrace.  An old saying about computers says “crap in- crap out” why should my body be any different, crap food = crap performance.  Then in my anger and frustration I heard the bike say to me, it’s the junk food or me…  Cheeky git I thought, but you know something? Cheeky or not, the bike or just a thought, whatever it was it is right!  Things need to change if I want to experience results, its time not just to train but to commit to a balanced diet.  It is time to start prioritising decent sleep and to stop running from stress and instead to work through it.  It’s time to take control and give myself a chance of progress.

Of course this is nothing new; this has been a three year journey that has looked more like the hokey cokey than a journey towards weight loss and health.  I’m tired of the one step forward two steps back approach. I’ve been huffing with myself for ages about this issue.  What is the point of losing weight if you are just going to put it back on?  Three times now I’ve moved from 19 and a half stone to 17 stone and three times I’ve put it back on.  I need to grow up and move on, crap or get off the pot so to speak.  Here’s to movement into new ground and thinking never to return to the old pastures of the hokey cokey.

Summer brings to our house copious amounts of activity, chaos and emotional upheaval.  It’s intense and it can pull you inside out and out side in. September comes and you can feel like you’re in such a spin only superman could have experienced it.  So two weeks into September & its time to put the pieces back and restructure. I’m a lover of lists and the creation thereof, here is another…

  1. To return order & focus back into my life
  2. To get back to a regular rhythm of prayer & devotion.
  3. To have found over 100 geocaches.
  4. To have thought through what I’m doing with counselling.
  5. To get as close to 17 stone as I can.
  6. To return to training three to four times a week including regularly
    attending spin classes & training outside on my bike & hill walking.
  7. To get the back garden into a respectable shape.
  8. To have the domestic administration once & for all
  9. To get the garage fit for purpose.
  10. To get a new boiler fitted to the house.